R | 25 September 2009 (USA)
[REC]² Trailers

The action continues from [REC], with the medical officer and a SWAT team outfitted with video cameras are sent into the sealed off apartment to control the situation.

AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
Tayyab Torres Strong acting helps the film overcome an uncertain premise and create characters that hold our attention absolutely.
mexicanvampire A sequel to a horror movie as good as REC is a tall order. I myself went in with very low expectations. REC is simply one of the greatest zombie and found footage films of all time. But I was pleasantly surprised by this sequel. Like HALLOWEEN 2 or BRIDE OF FRANKENSTEIN, this picks up the instant the original left off. Sometimes this tactic doesn't work, like in QUANTUM OF SOLACE, but here it drops you right into the action in familiar environs and the tension never lets up. In short, if you liked the original, then you'll like REC 2.
Scott LeBrun "(Rec) 2" takes place 15 minutes after the events of the first film. A GEO team and a man who's supposed to be a medical officer enter the quarantined apartment building. However, despite the fact that this building is supposedly sealed off, a stupid bunch of kids manage to make their way inside. The story follows the first group for a while, then introduces the kids, before bringing them together as the search for the source / antidote to the outbreak remains underway.This sequel to the Spanish horror hit is effectively chaotic at times, but it also tends to be lacking in suspense. There is simply way too much chatter, and viewers could argue that there's way too much exposition as well. (That said, there's a certain level of intrigue in the way that biological and religious rationales are sort of tied together here.) The assortment of new characters introduced isn't terribly interesting, so it does come as a relief when lovely Manuela Velasco makes an encore appearance as reporter Angela."(Rec) 2" is reasonably bloody and violent, so it delivers fairly well on a visceral level. Unfortunately, it's too hard to care what happens to any of these people. And the attacks are much more amusing than they are harrowing. This does have some good moments, but with less of the atmosphere that made the first "(Rec)" so compelling, it's definitely a comedown from the original film.Six out of 10.
romrds17 I read a lot of people talking about the change of science from REC to religion, but let me ask you one thing: Are you guys insane?The first film showed us the beginning of the virus, nobody knows his origins. During the film, we saw that behaves similar to zombies, insanity, bites, attack anything in their way, till here it's OK you guys thought that this film is another movie about zombies, but the story is much more complicated than that and the answers only come at the end:The girl who was possessed by the demon is in the building and she started all of this, it's here that we discover that they are not zombies, but people who were possessed. Please, stop acting like if the second movie has changed everything that the first one said. This is different than anything before, it's not a boring story about demons, it's brilliant.
Heckt Chart Come back to the location of the first movie, add some characters and mix them with the previous history. The result: An amazing history full of horror, zombies, and gore actions.The addition of new characters and the interaction with the first ones makes this movie a good history and a new point of view about the mysterious plague in Barcelona.The death of the SWAT team show us that a lot of bullets and fire guns aren't enough to finish with the horror.I think that REC 2 is better than the first movie, the history is like a ride in a horror roallercoaster.